Enhancing Instant Payments with PelicanInstant

Solutions for SEPA Instant Payments and Efficiency

 The era of instant payments is here, revolutionizing how we transact in the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). But with this speed and convenience come challenges in ensuring compliance with SEPA regulations and maintaining operational efficiency.
Our PelicanInstant suite of solutions addresses these challenges head-on, empowering financial institutions to embrace the future of payments:
  • Adds immediate payment functionality, both inbound and outbound, to your existing infrastructure.
  • Global solution supporting EBA RT1 and TIPS as well as other instant payment schemes
  • Direct and indirect participants supported
  • Process millions of transactions through scalable and flexible real-time in memory processing
  • Bridges legacy gaps with Stand-In and Account Mirroring functions.
  • Easy integration using APIs, MQ and files with any network and back-office system.
  • Format agnostic, can convert to or from any other syntax to SEPA Instant formats.
  • Available as fully managed cloud solution OR on premise.

IBAN Name Check


Requesting and Responding Use Cases

A cornerstone of SEPA Instant Credit Transfer (SCT Inst) is accurate IBAN (International Bank Account Number) and Name validation.

Our IBAN Name Check solution, Pelican VOP, streamlines this process for both requesting and responding banks. By automating IBAN Name verification, we reduce errors, accelerate processing times, and ensure compliance with SEPA requirements.



Realtime Mirroring Gateway

Instant payments demand real-time, 24x7x365 operation.

Pelican Realtime Mirroring Gateway enables banks with core banking systems that work only in batch mode and/or do not support 24x7x365 operation, to support processing of inbound and outbound SEPA Instant payments.

By securely replicating account information like status and balances, we enable confident authorization of inbound and outbound instant payments while mitigating the risk of overdrafts and rejection of payments.



Name Screening for Instant Payments



Ensure seamless compliance with SEPA instant payments using Pelican's advanced Name Screening solution.

Our cutting-edge NLP technology and sophisticated algorithms provide accurate screening of bank customers' information, significantly reducing false positives.

With immediate screening upon the implementation or amendment of targeted financial restrictive measures and daily checks to maintain continuous compliance, Pelican helps your organization stay agile and up-to-date with regulatory changes.

Instant Payments Screening

For an added layer of security, our optional Instant Payments Screening solution offers customizable transaction monitoring.

Define specific criteria to flag potentially high-risk transactions, such as those where PSPs (debtor or creditor agents) are located outside the EU, further safeguarding your institution from financial crime.



Connecting Directly to RT1/TIPS via Service Bureau


Maximize the speed and efficiency of your instant payments by connecting directly to RT1/TIPS through our Service Bureau.

This direct connection reduces latency and streamlines transaction processing, giving you a competitive edge in the instant payments landscape.



Embrace the Future of Payments

Our comprehensive suite of solutions empowers financial institutions to navigate the complexities of instant payments with confidence.
By ensuring SEPA compliance, mitigating risk, and optimizing operational efficiency, we enable you to harness the full potential of this transformative technology.

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PelicanInstant Brochure and related resources

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Related resources & information

Blog: Instant Payments Revolution Is Here: The New Standard Across Europe for the Benefit of Consumers and Businesses !

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Blog Instant Payments: The 5 Key Requirements Banks Need Now !

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Blog: Real-time Account Mirroring Gateway: The Secret Weapon for SEPA Instant Payments!

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Press Release: June 18 2024 London: Pelican AI launches Verification of Payee Service, a cutting-edge solution for secure and accurate payment transactions.

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